Salvatore Ceccarelli
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Chi è il Prof. Salvatore Ceccarelli....

Laurea in Scienze Agrarie 
1964 Facoltá di Agraria, Universitá di Perugia

Specializzazione di Genetica Applicata, Instituto di Genetica, Facoltá di Agraria, Universitá di Milano

E’ autore di oltre 250 pubblicazioni di cui circa 140 in referee Journals.   

La carriera scientifica puó essere suddivisa in the periodi: il periodo universitario (1970-1980), il periodo del miglioramento genetico internazionale (1980-1995) e il periodo del miglioramento genetico partecipativo (1996 - a tutt’oggi).   

Dal 1984 al 2008 sono stato responsabile del programma di miglioramento genetico dell’ orzo presso l’ ICARDA, producendo nuove varietá oggi coltivate in 24 paesi e sviluppando nuove metodologie che sono state usate da altri programmi di miglioramento genetico nazionali e internazionali. Ció si é tradotto nella elaborazione di una strategia di miglioramento genetico basata sulla selezione per adattamento specifico, cioé sulla produzione di varietá adattatate all’ambiente in cui debbono essere coltivate. 

Questo é in aperto contrasto con la filosofia dominante nel miglioramento genetico che si basa sulla produzione di varietá che con l’ausilio di concimazioni, anticrittogamici e diserbanti (quindi con una modifica profonda dell’ambiente) riescono a fornire alte produzioni a spese di danni ambientali e di erosione genetica. Uno sviluppo ulteriore di questa strategia ha condotto all’idea della selezione partecipativa che é stata inizialmente attuata in Siria, e poi estesa a Tunisia, Morocco, Eritrea, Etiopia, Giordania, Iran, Algeria, Yemen, Egitto e recentemente all’ Italia.   

La ricerca partecipativa si e’ ulteriormente evoluta in selezione evolutiva e partecipativa con la quale gli agricoltori sfruttano il vantaggi della selezione naturale per adattare le colture ai cambiamenti climatici. Questa strategia viene correntemente usata anche per la selezione di varietá specifiche per l’agricoltura biologica.   

Questa metodologia é particolarmente efficace e rapida, ed é giá stata in grado di aumentare le produzioni agricole in modo sostenibile direttamente nei campi degli agricoltori e rispondendo, a livello globale, ad una delle strategie per risolvere il problema della fame nel mondo, e che consenta di aumentare la disponibilitá e la accessibiltá di cibo nutriente e non solo di calorie.   

Nel corso di questi ultimi 35 anni ho avuto modo di collaborare in modo continuativo con ricercatori di paesi quali Algeria, Armenia, Bolivia, Brasile, Bhutan, Cile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egitto, Etiopia, Eritrea, Filippine, India, Iran, Iraq, Kenia, Giordania, Libia, Messico, Marocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Siria, Tunisia, Turchia e Uganda. Ho anche collaborato in modo saltuario con ricercatori in Afganistan, Cina, Vietnam, Sud Korea, e in paesi sviluppati quali Spagna, Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti, Danimarca, Finlandia, Australia, Olanda e Italia.

REPORT Puntata del 11/11/2013 
l'INSOSTENIBILE BREVETTO - Salvatore Ceccarelli
Seeds and farmers Salvatore Ceccarelli
salvatore report
RAI - MilanoDialogo tra Pier Sandro Cocconcelli e Salvatore Ceccarelli 

Biodiversità e conservazione dei semi
Pedaso (AP) 24-08-2014
Selezionate tra le più significative

​   Strategie di Miglioramento Genetico   

Ceccarelli, S., 1989. Wide Adaptation. How Wide? Euphytica, 40: 197 205

Ceccarelli, S, Erskine, W, Grando, S. and Hamblin, J., 1994. Genotype x Environment Interaction and International Breeding Programmes. Experimental agriculture 30: 177-187.   >  Strategie di Miglioramento Genetico   Ceccarelli, S., 1989. Wide Adaptation. How Wide? Euphytica, 40: 197 205

Ceccarelli, S., 1996. Adaptation to low/high input cultivation. Euphytica, 92: 203-214. 

Ceccarelli S., Grando, S. and Impiglia, A., 1998. Choice of selection strategy in breeding barley for stress environments. Euphytica 103: 307-318.

Ceccarelli, S. 2009. Main stages of a plant breeding programme In: Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation, S. Ceccarelli, E.P. Guimaraes and E. Weltzien (Eds.) pp 63-74. FAO, Rome. 

Ceccarelli, S. 2009. Selection methods. Part 1: Organizational aspects of a plant breeding programme In: Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation, S. Ceccarelli, E.P. Guimaraes and E. Weltzien (Eds.) pp 63-74. FAO, Rome. 

R. Mohammadi, R. Haghparast, A. Amri and S. Ceccarelli, 2010. Yield stability of rain-fed durum wheat and GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment trials. Crop & Pasture Science, 2010, 61, 92–101. 

Ceccarelli, S. and Grando, S. 1999. Decentralized Participatory Plant Breeding. LEISA, 15 (3/4): 36 37. 

Desclaux,D., Ceccarelli, S., Navazio, j., Coley, M., Trouche, G., Aguirre, S., Weltzien, E., and Lançon, J., 2012. Centralized or Decentralized Breeding: The Potentials of Participatory Approaches for Low-Input and Organic Agriculture. Chapter 6 In Lammerts van Bueren ET, Myers JR (eds), Organic Crop Breeding. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Hoboken, NJ pp 99-123. 

Salvi, S., Porfiri, O., Ceccarelli, S., 2013. Nazareno Strampelli, the “Prophet” of the Green Revolution. Journal of Agricultural Science Journal of Agricultural Science. 151, 1–5.

Ceccarelli, S. 2014. Efficiency of plant breeding. Crop Science (accepted)

Ceccarelli, S. 2014. OGM, Biotechnologies and Breeding for Sustainability (submitted)

Risorse Genetiche e Biodiversitá

Woldeamlak, S. Grando, M. Maatougui, S. Ceccarelli, 2008. Hanfets, a barley and wheat mixture in Eritrea: yield, stability and farmer preferences. Field Crops Research 109: 50–56.

Comadran, J, Thomas, WTB, van Eeuwijk, FÁ, Ceccarelli, S, Grando, S, Stanca, AM, Pecchioni, N, Akar, T, Al-Yassin, A, Benbelkacem, A,  Ouabbou, H, Bort, J, Romagosa, I, Hackett, CA & Russell, JR, 2009. Patterns of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in a highly structured Hordeum vulgare association mapping population for the Mediterranean basin. Theor. Appl. Genet. 119:175–187 –56.

RK Varshney, M Baum, P Guo, S Grando, S Ceccarelli, A Graner, 2010. Features of SNP and SSR diversity in a set of ICARDA barley germplasm collection. Molecular Breeding 26:229–242. atterns of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in a highly structured Hordeum vulgare association mapping population for the Mediterranean basin. Theor. Appl. Genet. 119:175–187 –56.

Shakhatreh, Y., Haddad, N., Alrababah, M., Grando, S. and Ceccarelli, S., 2010. Phenotypic Diversity in Wild Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell.) accessions collected in Jordan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 57: 131–146. uctured Hordeum vulgare association mapping population for the Mediterranean basin. Theor. Appl. Genet. 119:175–187 –56.

Russell, IK Dawson, A Flavell, B Steffenson, E Weltzien, A Booth, S Ceccarelli, S Grando, R Waugh, 2010 Analysis of >1000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in geographically matched samples of landrace and wild barley indicates secondary contact and chromosome level differences in diversity around domestication genes. New Phytologist 191, (2): 564–578.

Comadran, J, Russell, JR, Booth, A, Pswarayi, A, Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S, Stanca, AM, Pecchioni., N, Akar, T, Al-Yassin, A, Benbelkacem, A,  Ouabbou, H, Bort, J, van Eeuwijk, FA, Thomas, WTB ,  & Romagosa, I, 2011. Mixed model association scans of multi-environmental trial data reveal major loci controlling yield and yield related traits in Hordeum vulgare in Mediterranean environments. Theoretical Applied Genetics 122:1363–1373.

Ceccarelli, S., 2012.  Landraces: Importance and Use in Breeding and Environmentally Friendly Agronomic Systems. In (eds N. Maxted, M. Ehsan Dulloo, B. V. Ford-Lloyd, L. Frese, J. Iriondo and M.A.A. Pinheiro de Carvalho) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces ©CAB International 2012. pp 103-117. anean environments. Theoretical Applied Genetics 122:1363–1373.

Siccitá e Cambiamenti Climatici 

M. von Korff, S.Radovic, W. Choumane, K. Stamati, S.M. Udupa, S. Grando, S. Ceccarelli, I. Mackay, W. Powell, M. Baum and M. Morgante, Asymmetric allele-specific expression in relation to developmental variation and drought stress in barley hybrids. The Plant Journal (2009) 59, 14–26 ©CAB International 2012. pp 103-117. anean environments. Theoretical Applied Genetics 122:1363–1373.

P. Guo, M. Baum, S. Grando, S. Ceccarelli, G. Bai, R. Li, M. von Korff , R. K. Varshney, A. Graner and J. Valkoun, 2009. Differentially expressed genes between drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive barley genotypes in response to drought stress during the reproductive stage. Journal of Experimental Botany 60 (12): 3531-3544.

S. Ceccarelli, 2010. Drought and Drought Resistance. Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food, 1: 1, 205 — 207.

Ceccarelli, S., S. Grando, M. Maatougui, M. Michael, M. Slash, R. Haghparast, M. Rahmanian, A. Taheri, A. Al-Yassin, A. Benbelkacem, M. Labdi, H. Mimoun, M. Nachit 2010. Plant Breeding and Climate Changes. Journal of Agricultural Science 148: 1-11.

B. Lakew, J. Eglinton, R. J. Henry, M. Baum, S. Grando and S. Ceccarelli, 2011. The potential contribution of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare spp spontaneum) germplasm to drought resistance of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare spp vulgare). Field Crops Research, 120: 161–168.

Varshney, RK, Paulo, MJ, Grando, S, van Eeuwijk, FA, Keizer, LCP, Guo, P, Ceccarelli, S, Killian, A, Baum, M, and A Graner, 2012. Genome wide association analyses for drought tolerance related traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Field Crops Research 126 (2012) 171–180.

Lakew, B., Henry, R.J., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Eglinton, J., Baum, M., 2013. Genetic analysis and phenotypic association for drought tolerance in Hordeum spontaneum introgression lines using SSR and SNP markers. Euphytica 189: 9-29.

Lakew, B., Henry, R.J., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Eglinton, J., Baum, M., 2013. Genetic analysis and phenotypic association for drought tolerance in Hordeum spontaneum introgression lines using SSR and SNP markers. Euphytica 189: 9-29.

Salvi, S., Porfiri, O., Ceccarelli, S., 2013. Nazareno Strampelli, the “Prophet” of the Green Revolution. Journal of Agricultural Science. 151, 1–5.

Lakew, B., Henry, R.J., Eglinton, J., Baum, M., Ceccarelli, S., and Grando, S. 2013. SSR analysis of introgression of drought tolerance from the genome of Hordeum spontaneum into cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp vulgare). Euphytica 191:231–243.

Rollins JA, Drosse B, Mulki MA, Grando S, Baum M, Ceccarelli S, von Korff, M. 2013. Identification of QTL for agronomic performance in Mediterranean drylands in a barley cross between the Syrian landrace Arta and the Australian cultivar Keel. Theoretical Applied Genetics (accepted).

Miglioramento Genetico Partecipativo

Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S. and R.H. Booth, 1996. International breeding programmes and resource-poor farmers: Crop improvement in difficult environments. In: (Eyzaguirre, P. and M. Iwanaga.  Eds.) Participatory plant breeding. Proceeding of a workshop on participatory plant breeding, 26-29 July 1995, Wageningen, The Netherlands. IPGRI, Italy pp. 99-116.

Ceccarelli, S., Bailey, E., Grando, S. and Tutwiler, R.1997. Decentralized, Participatory Plant Breeding: a Link between Formal Plant Breeding and Small Farmers. New Frontiers in Participatory Research and Gender Analysis. Proceedings of an International Seminar on a Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Development@, Cali, Colombia, 65-74.

Ceccarelli, S. and Grando, S.  1997. Increasing the Efficiency of Breeding through Farmer Participation. In:  Ethics and Equity in conservation and use of genetic resources for sustainable food security, pp 116-121. Proceeding of a workshop to develop guidelines for the CGIAR, 21 25 April 1997, Foz de Iguacu, Brazil. IPGRI, Rome, Italy IPGRI.

Ceccarelli, S. 2000. Decentralized Participatory Plant Breeding: Adapting Crops to Environments and Clients.  Proceedings of the 8th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Adelaide, 22 27 October, 2000, Vol. I: 159-166.

Tekle, B., Ceccarelli, S. and Grando, S. 2000. Participatory Barley Breeding in Eritrea. Proceedings of the 8th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Adelaide, 22 27 October, 2000, Vol. III: 45.

Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Tutwiler, R., Baha, J., Martini, A.M., 1, Salahieh, H., Goodchild, A., and Michael, M. 2000. A Methodological Study on Participatory Barley Breeding. I. Selection Phase. Euphytica 111: 91-104.

Ceccarelli,S., S. Grando, A. Amri, F. A S. Asaad, A. Benbelkacem, M. Harrabi, M. Maatougui, M. S. Mekni, H. Mimoun, R. A. El Einen, M. El Felah, A. F. El Sayed, A. S. Shreidi and A. Yahyaoui.  2001. Decentralized and participatory plant breeding for marginal environments. In: Cooper, H.D., Spillane, C, and Hodgink, T. (Eds.) Broadening the Genetic Base of Crop Production. CABI, New York (U.S.A.)/FAO, Rome (Italy)/IPRI, Rome (Italy), 115 136.

Ceccarelli, S, S. Grando, and Capettini, F. 2001. La partecipation de los agricultores en el mejoramiento de cebada en al ICARDAS. In: D. Daniel (Ed.) Memorias de la Conferencia Internacional sobre: Futuras Estrategias para Implementar Mejoramiento Participativo en los Cultivos de las Zonas Altas en la Region Andina, 23-27 de Septiembre del 2001, Quito, Ecuador, 25-54.

Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Bailey, E., Amri, A., El Felah, M., Nassif, F., Rezgui, S. and Yahyaoui A. 2001. Farmer Participation in Barley Breeding in Syria, Morocco and Tunisia. Euphytica, 122: 521-536.

Van Eeuwijk, F.A., Cooper M., DeLacy I.H., Ceccarelli, S, and Grando, S. 2001. Some vocabulary and grammar for the analysis of multi environment trials, as applied to the analysis of FPB and PPB trials. Euphytica, 122: 477-490.

Ceccarelli, S. and S. Grando.  2002. Plant breeding with farmers requires testing the assumptions of conventional plant breeding: Lessons from the ICARDA barley program. In: Cleveland, David A. and Daniela. Soleri, (Eds.). Farmers, scientists and plant breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB I Publishing International. pp. 297 332.

Soleri, D., Cleveland, D.A., Smith, S.E., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Rana, R.B., Rijal, D. and Labrada, H.R. 2002. Understanding farmers’ knowledge as the basis for collaboration with plant breeders: methodological development and examples from ongoing research in Mexico, Syria, Cuba and Nepal. In: Cleveland, David A. and Daniela. Soleri, (Eds.). Farmers, scientists and plant breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB I Publishing International. pp. 19-60.

Ceccarelli, S.,  S. Grando, M. Singh, M. Michael, A. Shikho, M. Al Issa, A. Al Saleh, G. Kaleonjy, S. M. Al Ghanem, A. L. Al Hasan, H. Dalla, S. Basha, and T. Basha. 2003. A Methodological Study on Participatory Barley Breeding. II. Response to Selection. Euphytica, 133: 185 200.

Fekadu Fufa, Baum, M., Grando, S. and Ceccarelli, S. 2004. Changes in SSR Alleles Frequency and Diversity Index in a Decentralized-Participatory Barley Breeding Program. Proceedings of the 9th International Barley Genetics Symposium: 270-276. 

Ceccarelli, S and S. Grando.  2005. Decentralized-Participatory Plant Breeding. .  In: Tuberosa R., Phillips R.L., Gale M. (Eds.).  Proceedings of the International Congress “In the Wake of the Double Helix: From the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution”.  27-31 May 2003, Bologna, Italy, ©2005 Avenue media, Bologna. pp 145-156.

Ceccarelli, S., and Grando, S. 2005. Decentralized-Participatory Plant Breeding: A Case from Syria.  . In: Gonsalves, J., Becker, T., Braun, A., Campilan, D., De Chavez, H., Fajber, E., Kapiriri, M., Rivaca-Caminade, J. and Vernooy, R. (Eds.). Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and natural Resource Management. Volume 1, pp. 193-199.

D. Mangione, S. Senni, M. Puccioni, S. Grando and S. Ceccarelli.  2006. The Cost of Participatory Barley Breeding. Euphytica, 150: 289–306.

Ceccarelli, S. and Grando, S. 2007. Decentralized-Participatory Plant Breeding: An Example of Demand Driven Research. Euphytica, 155: 349-360.

Ceccarelli, S. Grando, S and Baum, M.  2007. Participatory Plant Breeding in Water-Limited Environment.  Experimental Agriculture, 43: 411-435.

Fekadu Fufa, M. Baum, S. Grando, O. Kafawin and S. Ceccarelli.  2007. Consequences of a Decentralized-Participatory Barley Breeding Program on Changes in SSR Allele Frequency and Diversity in one Cycle of Selection. Plant Breeding, 126: 527—532.

Halewood, M. Deupmann, P. Sthapit, B. Vernooy, R and Ceccarelli, S. 2007. Participatory plant breeding to promote Farmers' Rights. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. 7 pp.

Ceccarelli, S and S. Grando, 2009. Participatory Plant Breeding in Cereals.  In: M. Carena (Editor). Cereals. . Springer - Plant Science Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. pp 395-414.

Ceccarelli, S, E.P. Guimaraes and E. Weltzien (Eds.). 2009. Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation. FAO, Rome, pp 671.

S. Ceccarelli.  2009. Evolution, plant breeding and biodiversity. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 103 (1/2): 131-145.

F. Fufa, S. Grando, O. Kafawin, Y. Shakhatreh and S. Ceccarelli. 2009. Efficiency of Farmers in Selecting Desirable Genotypes in a Participatory Barley Breeding program in Jordan. Plant Breeding, 129: 156 - 161.

A. Galié, B. Hack, N. Manning-Thomas, A. Pape-Christiansen, S. Grando and S. Ceccarelli.  2009. Evaluating knowledge sharing in research: the International Farmers’ Conference organized at ICARDA. Knowledge Management for Development Journal 5:  107–125.

Mohammadi, R., Mahmoodi, K. N., Haghparast, R., Grando, S., Rahmanian, M., Ceccarelli, S., 2011. Identifying Superior Rainfed Barley Genotypes in Farmers' Fields Using Participatory Varietal Selection. J. Crop Sci. Biotech. 14: 281 – 28.

Ceccarelli, S. 2012. Plant Breeding with Farmers – a Technical Manual, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Ceccarelli, S., Galié, A., Mustafa, Y. and Grando, S., 2013. Syria: Participatory barley breeding—farmers’ input becomes everyone’s gain. In: Ruiz, Manuel and Ronnie Vernooy (eds). The Custodians of biodiversity: sharing access and benefits to genetic resources. Earthscan 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN. pp. 53-66.

M. Reguieg, M. Labdi, A. Benbelkacem, M. Hamou, M. E. H. Maatougui, S. Grando, and S. Ceccarelli. 2013. First Experience on Participatory Barley Breeding in Algeria. Journal of Crop Improvement, 27:1–18, 2013.

Ceccarelli, S., Galié, A., and Grando. 2013. Participatory Breeding for Climate Change-Related Traits. In C. Kole (ed.), Genomics and Breeding for Climate-Resilient Crops, Vol. 1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 331-376. 



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